Public Meetings
support community arts & culture
All members of the public are invited to join us as we meet with various City and County-appointed committees and commissions each month. These groups help oversee arts policies, placement, and advocacy and they always love to hear what you have to say during the public comment period at the beginning of each meeting.
The County Arts Commission meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. at rotating locations throughout North and South County. Agendas and minutes can be downloaded by clicking here. Agendas are posted 72 hours prior to the meeting and locations are listed on the top of the agenda.
Please call us at 805.568.3990 for up-to-date location information.
The City Arts Advisory meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 3:30pm in the David Gebhard Room at 630 Garden Street. Agendas and minutes can be downloaded by clicking here.
Please call us at 805.568.3990 with any requests to add an item to the agenda.
events and festivals
The Events and Festivals Committee meets quarterly (or as needed/requested) in Room 15 at the Santa Barbara City Hall at 735 Anacapa Street. Agendas and minutes can be downloaded by clicking here.
Agendas are posted 72 hours prior to the meeting and locations are listed on the top of the agenda.
Please call us at 805.568.3990 with any requests to add an item to the agenda.