Events & Festivals Committee

The community Events & Festivals Committee was established in 1988 by resolution no. 88-128:

  • To advise the City Council on issues related to the promotion of the community.

  • To review proposals and make recommendations to the City Council for Community Promotion Events funding.

  • To review proposals for major off-season festivals and make recommendations to the City Council for funding.

  • To evaluate funded major off-season festivals and community events through event attendance.

  • To make an annual report and evaluation to City Council on the previous year's funding for community promotion events and major, off-season festivals.

  • To develop a point system to be used as criteria in making granting recommendations to the City Council.

  • To attend designated quarterly meetings and special meetings.

  • To oversee coordination of events whenever possible with retail organizations, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Conference and Visitor's Bureau.

The Events & Festivals Committee meets quarterly at the Santa Barbara Public Library Faulkner Gallery

committee Members:

City Council Liaison: Oscar Gutierrez