Essential information for Santa Barbara County: Public Health Department, Office of Emergency Management, Aware & Prepare, and LISTOS.

American Alliance of Museums: Resources & Information for the Museum Field

Americans for the Arts: Coronavirus Resource and Response Center

Art House Convergence: Preparedness Resources for Theaters and Festivals

ArtsReady: Preparing for Potential Impact of the Coronavirus

Association of Performing Arts Professionals: APAP’s field partners provide an array of services to help prepare and respond to emergencies.

California Arts Council: COVID-19 Statement for Cac Grantees and the Arts Field in California

California Lawyers for the Arts: Providing free and low-cost legal services to artists, including processing claims with FEMA, SBA and other disaster relief agencies.

CERF+ | The Artists Safety Net: CERF+ Responds to Coronavirus

Freelance Artists: COVID-19 Freelance Artist Resources

League of American Orchestras: Coronavirus

Loyola Marymount University: Teaching Theatre Online: A Shift in Pedagogy Amidst Coronavirus Outbreak

National Coalition for Arts’ Preparedness & Emergency Response: Preparedness for the Arts Sector

Theatre Communications Group: Coronavirus Preparedness Webinar and Preparing for the Impact

Chronicle of Higher Education: Going Online in a Hurry: What to Do and Where to Start

Event Safety Alliance: Prepare Your Organization for the Coronavirus Disease Outbreak

National Endowment for the Arts - COVID-19 resources for artists and arts organizations.

If you wish to share resources for our creative community, please email us.

State and National Government and Volunteer Organizations

American Red Cross

General information about disaster services, health and safety services, and emergency preparation can be a great resource for disaster relief.

Cal Fire

The California department of forestry and fire protection is an up-to-date informative website on information about wildfires and resources.

Federal Emergency Management Agency

FEMA explains what sort of assistance they provide, who qualifies, and other services. on their website, they offer application directions, and allows users to check their status of their application.

Salvation Army

Among the Salvation Army's disaster response and recovery programs are counseling and support programs, financial assistance, shelter provision, and the distribution of water, food, furniture, building materials, sanitary, infant and child care products, medicines, bedding and other items for which an immediate need exists.

Employment Development Department

The California Employment Development Department (EDD) provides a variety of services to individuals and businesses impacted by disasters in California. These range from assistance for those who may have lost a job due to the disaster, to employers who are forced to shut down operations.

California Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster

VOAD associations improve outcomes for people affected by disasters by facilitating cooperation, communication, coordination, and collaboration among nonprofit organizations, community-based groups, government agencies, and for-profit companies.

California Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response

A new comprehensive, consumer-friendly website from the Governor’s Office highlighting critical steps to stay healthy and resources available to Californians, including paid sick leave and unemployment assistance.

Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development

Helpful information for employers, employees and all Californians as it relates to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.